Looks like most of the posting here is quit old. But here go's.
When I try to Arm my Quad on Mission Planner, I get Check FS_THR_VALUSE
and GPS: No Fix.
Been searching for 2 days know. Can't find anything that helps.
I hope someone can help me with this arming problem.
What did you happen to do get it to work
I have tried to get mine to ar for last 3 weeks
Here is what I have tried
Quad is a Hobby people F450
Everything works on my quad copter up to the point where I go to arm it.
Re installed firmware 3 times and done set up wizard 3 times.
I can get all 4 motors to spin in Mission planner under test motors
Verified my radio is working under mission planner(calibrated 3 time) and tested it on another plane.
Purchased and 2nd APM 2.6 that gives same results.
Tried 3 different power sources.
Removed all add ons, sonar, video, etc and still will not arm.
any help will be greatly appreciated.
Never get any messages while plugged in and never even tried to spin moters. I have tested a 4 mots and calibrated speed controls and
Hi Mike
Still no Arming luck.
Mode: Stabilize
Here is my settings. Radio ON, Throttle value (Ch3) 982, FS 915
Radio OFF, Throttle value (Ch3) 900, FS 915
No GPS Fix, No PreArm messages come up on Flight Data Screen.
I sure feal lost. Must be missing something.
Is there any info you need to determine what mite be going on ?
Thank you for the help. I will post the results.