Hi all,

I'm attaching my log from our last flight as our little quad went completly bonkers before it crashed.

Short after takeoff it went completly out of control, no response at all from RC or Telemetry and then crashed near a pond (thank god).

But the mistery was about to begin when we started reviewing the log and found out that the trigger was the failsafe error  Err: EKF_CHECK-2 / Err: FAILSAFE_ EKF-1. 

In understand these two were recently added to APM, but this ain't the first time I see this sort of thing happening.

I'm attaching my log in hopes for some guidance.

Thank you all!

2014-12-14 11-10-14.log

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      • This looks fairly simple -

        Bad vibrations => ErrYaw increasing => EKF error triggered.

        Try graphing AccY & ErrYaw. AccY should not get above 3 tops, ErrYaw should stay below 0.2 - yours are getting to -5 and 1.0 respectively.

        Not sure about the OP. No ErrYaw data at all which is weird. He seems to have a fast yaw change which the desired yaw cannot track (look at Yaw and DesYaw) and things unravel from there. I wondered whether this is an example of maxing out the IMU, in which case 3.3 should be better.

  • ---> "Permalink Reply by Ted Morgan 17 hours ago

    I apologize, I should have clarified. I am running arducopter 3.2.1 on a Pixhawk with a F450 frame. I have EKF turned off and yet seeing an EKF failsafe error."

    OK, then at least you are having trouble with a function that was designed for your board. I am using an APM and still had a lot of problems. And to my knowledge these "features" are for Pixhawk only.

  • wow...this is disturbing to read....serious bug for APM users if its not even a feature it can support yet is triggering a failure
    • I apologize, I should have clarified. I am running arducopter 3.2.1 on a Pixhawk with a F450 frame. I have EKF turned off and yet seeing an EKF failsafe error.  

      • thats much better to hear...am breathing again

  • Did anyone get an explanation of this? I keep getting errors like these and others and have had a run away quad 4 times now.. I don't trust it anymore and I can't seem to find or fix anything..

  • Hi guys,

    I have the same error.

    I look at my logs and found the error was subsys:16 & ECode 2 & 0

    By this list: http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-diagnosing-problems-using-l..., it's cause by EKF/InertialNav Check, Bad Variance.

    So visit to fix this: http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/configuration/ekf-inav-failsafe/

    • No more alarm with adding a GPS! ;)

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