APM Altitude overshoot

Looks like I'm getting some altitude overshoot that causes the throttle controller to oscillate. See log graph below. It's most noticable when I execute the Takeoff 20m command but I can see evidence every time the copter climbs to a programmed altitude. The copter always appears to overshoot the altitude,  followed by  Throttle Out  oscillating a bit.  I was hoping to get some help from PID experts on where to start tweeking. Any suggestions on what parameters to fiddle with? I've also attached the log file.


APM 2.0

Arducopter 3.01

3DR Quad Frame, motors etc.

Log File 2013-10-14_11-11_1.log



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  • I'm running an APM2.0 so I haven't bothered with foam on the barometer. Maybe in vertical climb the barometer is picking up a higher pressure?
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