APM "Fly away"

Hello guys, this is my first thread in this forum.

Today I lost my hexacopter with APM 2.6 running the last stable firmware version in auto mode and the reason I don't know why, apparently everything was ok, the GPS was locked, the compass health is ok. 

The first waypoint was takeoff, but I did it manual and after I tested for a little time the loiter mode and it is ok, so I decide switch to auto mode, and the copter gone to wrong way and I loose the control, I tried to come back with manual mode and RTL but.... It gone to far far away...

Can anyone help me understand what may have happened?

And sorry for my bad google translate english!

* The stable / Loiter mode was veeeeeery good, I really don't know what happen.. 


Thank you.

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  • Sorry for your lost..

    Just shoot out what I think: Is there by any chance you set the wrong waypoint that pointing to "var var away" location?

    The reason I mention it is because my friend just experiencing crash directly to the earth due to above problem, he didn't triple check the waypoint that apparently pointing to "very very far far away" location.

    • Thank you.

      I and another friend check the waypoints before the flight.

      First we thought we could have done the track the wrong way, but quickly discarded that possibility.

  • In my experience, this is compass. I've learned that loiter on APM can be stable even with a bad compass, so I always rotate my model 180 degrees and watch it loiter again. Then I set off on my flight.

    At all times, I have my hand on the switch that puts me back into stable mode. It's saved me many times while working out compass issues.

    Sorry you lost your model!

  • @Maurilio, did you ever achieve successful RTL ? If not then you should have not attempted Auto. It is suggested to everyone, never attempt Auto mode if you never attempted RTL, this could be potential threat to life & property of others.

    When you again build, first try quadcopter and tie in the bottom of the quad a light weight strong thread, like people use for flying kite. At interval of around two meters on this thread you need to attach may be small coin or a small metal nut. This used to keep the thread downward so that it does not interfere with the props.

    If switching in RTL mode, the quad tries to go in wring direction  then immediately switch back to stabilize and the second control is there via this strong thread.

    • @Rana, Yes, I tested everything yesterday and everything is ok until today!

      I thank you all for the answers, I could not get the logs but I suspect it was failure in GPS or compass. Is the knowledge for the next multi rotors. Not managed to find it fell far from where took off. We searched and nothing. Fortunately nothing serious happened, only financial losses.

      • maybe you can get some logs (TLogs) from a previous flight where you said all was OK before.

        It will help to find some abnormal params or something else.

        • How can I read these logs? Can you send me some links about apm logs? 

          • 3D Robotics

            The guide to analyzing logs is in the manual.

            • Thank you so much!
              I will read and put into practice the processing of apm logs to prevent such incidents.

          • Were you using anything to receive the telemetry such as an android device or pc running Mission Planner? If you the default setting is to create a tlog file.

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