Ive noticed odd RTL behavior I need some advice on.
Is there a A Panic or MANUAL OVERRIDE that can snap the APM out of LAND mode?
While flying in stabilize mode my SAT Count dropped to 0 for a few seconds putting my Quad (Arducopter 3.1 / APM2.5 ) immediately into LAND mode. A couple seconds later the satcount jumps to 7 again but APM will not switch back to last state and remains in LAND mode slowly reducing power to the props! I have control over everything but throttle and I need to think really quick and finding a place to land. This is usually a a Thick bush, sand box, or pile of rocks.
Also when the quad touches down any Attempts to Disarm (left gimbal Down and to right) are unsuccessful while APM still "thinks" its trying to LAND (props continue to spin no mater if on the ground, on its side, or even upside down)..

Im able to get my hands in between the props to disconnect the battery.
You should be able to switch back to stabilize mode via your RC controller.