APM Mission Planner Compass Declination



I would like to query the declination parameter.  It asks you to insert a declination of between -15 and 15 during the setup phase.  I live down at the bottom of the african continent in South Africa.  Our declination is 17'.  If I input this number it doesnt at all put anything logical into the declination PID so my north facing quad ends up pointing in the wrong directions.


I have since used a digital compass and corrected the declination, but there should be away to enter the declination in during setup.


Any assistance would be appriciated.




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  • Morning,


    I can confirm that this works for me.  If I use 17' in the hardware setup, I get the correct radian number of 0.297 in the PID.  I believe you are getting 17.23 because the number is rounded up.  17 = 0.296705973 and we round up to 3 points after the decimal, hence higher round up, higher degree.


    I believe Michael's plan to change the ref number to -20 20 will help resolve any confusion here.




  • I am also having challenges with the magnetometer using APM. I am flying in Alaska with a declination of 17 degress, when this is set in mission planner, the show settings in CLI shows 17.23 rather than 17 degrees, and the MP configuration screen shows about .297 consistent with the conversion of degrees to radians as you suggest, but why the change from 17 to 17.23 in show settings from setup of 17?

    Also, it appears that it is not possible to configure or set the magnetometer on the fly with MP configuration and telemetry, doing so by setting mag_enable to 1 or off to 0 does not appear to result in any change in flight, even thought refreshing the PID's does show the change took effect? So setting the mag can only be done from CLI (or mission planner firmware) while on the ground. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Also, according to the above post, is declination limited to 15 degress plus or minus? Or can values larger than 15 be used? 

    Are their other people successfully using the magnetometer in APM?


  • Developer
    the value of declination in the config screen (left hand side) is in radians. not degrees. During setup it is in degrees
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