Beginner here, just trying to launch Mission Planner. When running ArdupilotMegaPlanner.exe (1.1.56) I get an error window with a lot of text. It starts out like this:
A Major error has occured : System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'SingletonCreator' threw an exception.
This implementation is not part of the windows platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms. at System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider..ctor() at GMap.NET.GMaps.DecryptString
I can't copy and paste the screen but there are more errors about GMap.
I'm running a Windows 7 with .Net 4.0 x64.
(I noticed there are spelling errors in the message I typed but I've rechecked the error displayed and the spelling errors are there.)
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!
all your settings look ok,
so I would suggest going to the intel website and updating your graphics card drivers.
Oh, I change the display resolution and the mission planner is working now. Thank you.
Hi, I have the same problem. It is not an odd case.
Which subkey to 0? I don't know much about Regedit.
the error is around "bitperpixel"
you are using an odd colour depth. please change that.
I've never touched the setting before. 32bits
If you double click the fipsalgorithmpolicy you should get a window that will let you edit the subkey. just type in a 0 if it shows anything else. Make note of what it displays in that subkey before changing it so you can change it back should you experience adverse effects.
I have modified it and restarted the computer. Still have the same problem...
update your graphics card driver.
it doesn't support opengl
The odd thing is that Mission Planner works sometimes. But I can't get it running in these 3 days.
I'm using Sony duo 11 laptop. Thanks