APM Mission Planner/Autodetect

APM Mission  Planner 0.4.20


Thanks for the Planner!


I downloaded and installed the latest APM firmware via the planner, worked great!

All sensors mentioned are the ones suggested in the APM manual and purchased from DIY Drones.

I have airspeed, UBLOX, Compass and battery monitoring on my system.

The airspeed and UBLOX sensors auto detected.

The battery monitoring and compass were not detected/Enabled.

I understand this is BETA but I am making sure I have not overlooked something regarding the two sensors.

I am familiar with the APM_Config.h file and enable and tweaking the sensors via arduino.

Is there a way to manually enable compass and bat monitoring via the Planner or must it be accomplished via arduino?


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  • Yes, in APM Planner Terminal, go into CLI Setup mode and type "compass on" and "current on" to enable the compass and current sensors.


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