APM Mission Planner 0.4.20
Thanks for the Planner!
I downloaded and installed the latest APM firmware via the planner, worked great!
All sensors mentioned are the ones suggested in the APM manual and purchased from DIY Drones.
I have airspeed, UBLOX, Compass and battery monitoring on my system.
The airspeed and UBLOX sensors auto detected.
The battery monitoring and compass were not detected/Enabled.
I understand this is BETA but I am making sure I have not overlooked something regarding the two sensors.
I am familiar with the APM_Config.h file and enable and tweaking the sensors via arduino.
Is there a way to manually enable compass and bat monitoring via the Planner or must it be accomplished via arduino?
Yes, in APM Planner Terminal, go into CLI Setup mode and type "compass on" and "current on" to enable the compass and current sensors.