Does anyone know how to downgrade from APM 2.60 back to APM 2.50 using the mission planner?I have tried using arduino to reload the 2.5 like the old days but receiving multiple compile errors.
"Just a quick update, while flying today I happened to notice on the textual instruments MAH used and voltage are present and working correctly. The Current portion of the text instruments does not present any data, no big deal. I would assume that…"
Hi, Just curious if the Amps readout is functional at this time?I am not able to get anything other than a zero after running the motor at 40% throttle for an extended period of time.I am using version 1.3.16Everything else works (beautifully!),…
Hello, Has anybody had any success with the AttoPilot 90A/50V Voltage/Current Sensor as described in the instruction wiki?I am able to get the voltage portion portion working via AN0 but have kinda ran into a brick wall regarding the current…
Just received and soldered up the AttoPilot 90A/50V Voltage/Current Sensor.To keep things in perspective for the past three months I have successfully been using Bat monitoring for a three cell lipo using the three 3.9kohm resistors provided with…
"I have also lost an RC/MUX/Servo output.
Mine happens to be #3 which is the rudder servo.
The remaining three outputs function normally.
I am puzzeled how this happened, last weak the system worked flawlessly. I tried to fly yesterday and there was…"
Hello, Just wanted to thank Happy and Mr. Levine for the work on the GCS, it works and looks GREAT! Happy, I have all the functions working (airspeed, target altitude, ect.) properly. Really like the yaw instrument that displays magnetic heading,…
Hello, Thanks again to all the people involved in the APM.Today had very good success with APM and HK GCS.Considering the airframe is an EasyStar, I encountered fairly strong/gusty winds, estimate 10-15kts.Mission consisted of 13 waypoints with…
Hello, I am not able to read airspeed with the latest version of the GCS. 1.2.109Airspeed tests ok in the CLI.Is there an option in the GCS to enable airspeed? Thanks
Grettings, Referencing the included APM Planner screen shot and awesome graphics. Scenario- - Launch the plane in MANUAL mode.- Switch to STABILIZE mode for a a minute or two.- Switch to AUTO when plane is positioned as shown in the…
As always thanks for the APM and GCS programs!I understand APM software is Beta.Just making sure I'm not making an obvious mistake.Also posted in APM ISSUES section. Just wondering if anyone else is having lockup issues with the latest…
APM Mission Planner 0.4.20 Thanks for the Planner! I downloaded and installed the latest APM firmware via the planner, worked great!All sensors mentioned are the ones suggested in the APM manual and purchased from DIY Drones.I have airspeed, UBLOX,…
Hello,With the APM and Oilpan operating normally what voltages should be present on the TelemPort pins on the oilpan when referenced to ground without the DIY Drones XtreamBee interface Board connected? These are the values I am getting,GND…
"Due to pure negligence on my part I feel that I may have permanently bricked my DIY Drones XtreamBee interface Board.
Before I connect a new interface board to the oilpan I just want to make sure that the voltages present a the telemport pins on the…"