Oilpan TelemPort pin values


With the APM and Oilpan operating normally what voltages should be present on the TelemPort pins on the oilpan when referenced to ground without the  DIY Drones XtreamBee interface Board connected?       

These are the values I am getting,

GND to +5  = 4.92v
GND to OUT = 4.93v
GND to IN  = 2.2v

Thank you in advance,

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  • Due to pure negligence on my part I feel that I may have permanently bricked my DIY Drones XtreamBee interface Board.

    Before I connect a new interface board to the oilpan I just want to make sure that the voltages present a the telemport pins on the oilpan are in an acceptable range to prevent destroying another interface board.


    I am particularly concerned with the voltages present on the IN/OUT pins.


    I understand that just measuring voltage is not a proper way to precisely trouble shoot, unfortunately I the only test equipment  I have at my disposal is a digital multimeter. 

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