APM Modes

Hi, i have been reading alot and have noticed that the APM board is LIMITED to only CH5. This means that i can only use my 3way Mode switch to assign 3 flight modes at a time. I am not a developer nor can i write any code to implement other channels for use with flight modes?

Any ideas to implement at least 6 flight modes with my TX


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  • What is your TX?

    As Bill says read that thread, and read your TX manual, you should be able to mix 2 switches (a 3pos and a 2pos) to allow channel 5 to hit each of the values required for all six modes. It's not immediately obvious, but once you manage it you will understand your (and all other) tx much better.

  • Developer
    See http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/wiki/Sixmodes on how to get six modes from your TX
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