I have the HIL firmware loaded and I am flying the plane manual in X Plane simulator. I grab the Home location and draw a quick square set of waypoints about 200m altitude. However, once I switch to Auto mode, the plane doesn't follow the gps waypoints like it suppose to. It flies around random locations and changes its throttle by itself like it has a mind of its own. switching to RTL also doesn't make the plane go back to launch point it just keeps flying straight to forever land.
I thought I was setting unreasonable altitudes so I created a new flight plan using Takeoff, way points, and landing sequence. The plane successfully takes off by itself autonomously in Xplane, but proceeds to do its own thing and heads north instead of East to its Waypoint.
I tried reversing the Yaw in the RC input just to see if my controls are wrong. Reversing yaw only makes the plane spiral into the floor.
What could be wrong ?
Is a 3d GPS fix showing up in the HUD in APM? In other words, is X-plane sending the stream of GPS data to the APM?
Does the HUD show the distance to the next waypoint like XXX>1 and if you look carefully at the hud you should also see the nav_bearing (on the compass) line rendered, which would be where it wants the plane to head.
Also if you look at the list of parameters and values, you should see nav* values which indicate the current solution for the plane, and the error from actual to current solution. Lat/Long should show up in that list as well.
Perhaps a screen shot of that value panel in RTL mode, when the plane is not doing an RTL but instead setting off for never-never land would help..