APM not funtioning in auto modes

Well after a crash last week, seems I cannot get APM to function correctly. I'm not sure whether APM failed before of after the crash, I lost radio signal, and the aircraft failed to respond, but it did not go to RTL like it normally would (receiver failsafe set to go to RTL mode), and hence crashed.

Now when starting APM the the IMU calibrate time seems shorter than normal and will not always get a red LED,  when switched to stabilize, or any mode other than manual, it will only sometimes function for a short period of time (30sec) after that no control movements are made in stab or auto mode, manual control inputs are also very delayed (around 5-10seconds). In manual mode all controls respond in a normal manner. I have reloaded the code, factory reset and tested all sensors, gyro and IMU in the terminal and they seem to be functioning fine.

I am running with elevon mixing

Ardupilot Mega 2.012-Beta

Version 1.0 APM board

Version Hotel 1.0 IMU sensor board

Mediatek GPS

MPXV7002DP airspeed sensor

HMC5843 Magnetometer

Any ideas on what the problem could be?

Cheers Paul

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