APM Planner Help


Its been a year since I flew my plane and I'm making a few changes. Mostly I want to be able to fly the plane just using an xbox controller. I have read this post and even asked a few Qs but I'm still stuck. 

The Mission planner will download my unedited code without any trouble but when i use the Arduino IDE it wont compile the code and upload it. So my question is, is there a way of getting the APM Planner to uploading my edited code to my APM1? 

Thanks for all the help. If I get this to work I will post the video of the flight over the weekend. :-) 

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  • I have managed to get it compiling now but i'm getting this error message.     "avr/bin/ld.exe: region text overflowed by 724 bytes"  I'm guessing that sketch is two big so going to see what all can be deleted. once i have uploaded my modified code can i still use the mission planner to set way-points and joystick control?

  • when ever i try to compile the code i keep getting an error "   AP_Int16 format_version;" it wont run past this line any ideas?

  • Ok cheers for that. Was just hoping that there might be a way of getting the mission planner to update and use my new code. Cheers for the help 

  • Developer

    you need to use arduino to upload modified code.

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