APM Planner not recognizing virtual serial port

I've recently been refining a technique for capturing MAVLINK packets via Wireshark and I could really use a virtual COM port in order to properly connect.  This would work perfectly, except the Mission Planner will not list or recognize anything under /dev/pts (yes, I'm using Linux), which is where the virtual ports are.  Does anyone know a good workaround?  I'm using socat to create/link the ports and a simple C program to read, split, pipe, and rewrite the data I'm getting.

Thanks for any help!

EDIT:  So I got a hold of the Mission Planner source code and changed it so that it recognizes devices from /dev/pts/.  Still the same problem, as if it thinks that there is no port there at all.  Is there some setting that I need to check/change right off the bat when I create the virtual port in order for programs to recognize it?

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