APM Power Module shows 12V on 5V outputs

HI there folks.  I hate to have my first post be a request for help, but I wanted to see if I could solve this before ordering another PM.

I finished wiring up the APM Power Module I recently purchased and upon applying power I get 12V where I should get 5V (on the test point on the back side, as well as the red lead on the APM connector).  My soldering job looks adequate and I don't think I over heated it, but I'm wondering where to start short of digging through the schematics and starting from scatch.  Anybody had the same experience?



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  • Hola Tengo el Mismo módulo y no enciende APM 2.5  NO FUNCIONA.

    Pudiste solucionar el problema?


  • Developer
    Can you post a picture?
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Jun 30