APM Releases



I have just seen that a zip of the APM 2.2.0 source code was released. I have 2 questions:.....


first, is there some release log, ChangeLog or anything or would I have to diff the 2.1.2 and 2.2.0 versions to see what changed?


secondly, would it be asked to much if releases are actually generated with 'svn export ...'  instead of just zipping up the source tree? I think I am not the only person putting the code into my own SVC system and therefore have to clean out all ".svn/" folders before doing so.





PS: svn2cl is a really nice too to create ChangeLogs from svn checkins: http://arthurdejong.org/svn2cl/

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  • +1 on the update log (APM, Planner, etc).  Something basic, just a couple lines of what was changed.  Give us non-software people some idea of what to expect.
  • I would also be interested in a more comprehensive change log.

    I do my best to keep up with the updates list in google code, but since the GCS, wiki and other code is all in the same place it gets to be quite tedious.

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