Hello everyone!
I am trying to assemble a boat with APM to move autonomously. Since I am using 2 BLDC-s to move the boat, I am using the Rover firmware with SKID_STEERING_OUT and _IN turned on. In the documentation it is written that in this mode output channel 1 should power one motor and channel 3 should power the other.
On channel 3 it is working perfectly with my joystick through a laptop and a radio module.
The problem is it seems that channel 1 provides a square signal but there is no change however I pull the throttle up or down.
Parts that I'm using:
- APM 2.6 with the latest Rover firmware
- Hobbyking 30A ESCs
- 930KV 2212 BLDCs
- FPV 433MHz telemtery pair
- 3dr power module
- 2 cell LiPo battery
Thank you in advance for the answers, if anything more needs to be specified, I will!
Thank you for the answer, I'll try my luck there!
The new ArduPilot forums are here http://discuss.ardupilot.org/c/ardurover and here http://discuss.ardupilot.org/c/arduboat
I'd suggest asking your questions there :)