APM software on OSX - something missing?

I have connected my pixhawk for the first time to a Mac and ran APM 2.0 to set it up. After loading firmware successfully, I think, there are no further options to move further.
The Ardupilot page describes how you can then select 'Mandatory hardware > frame type and so on. I see nothing. Just 2 buttons - Install firmware (already done) and '3DR Radio.

I am using 'APM planner' but I see there is a PC only app called 'Mission Planner' which may be what I need.

Do I need a PC + Mission Planner to do the initial setup - compass, motor configuration, rc etc.?
Thanks for any assistance here 

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  • 3D Robotics

    You can do all the setup on APM Planner, but you need to connect to the autopilot first (connect button in upper right corner). Those other setup buttons won't appear until you're connected. 

    • Perfect! Thank you. I went back and had a closer look. It was set to bluetooth by default and I now have it working on USB. Seems to have everything I need and much easier than using parallels.


  • You should be able to get it all setup using APM Planner 2.0 on Mac.  But the Mission Planner app on windows is a bit more fully developed.  It sounds like you aren't connected to the pixhawk.  make sure you have a good USB connection and have connected via the correct port and speed.  

    • Thanks. I managed to get it set up using the PC version. The MAC APM planner didn't have all the set up stuff for some reason.

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