APM V2.6 Unable to Connect

I have a problem with my APM V2.6. When ever I try to connect to it i get the following message. "No Heartbeat Packets Received." 

Iv read through through a load of forums. I have tried the following:

  • Opening mission planner before connecting the APM
  • Opening mission planner after connecting the APM
  • Trying a shorter USB cable.
  • Trying a windows 7 Laptop
  • Trying a windows XP laptop.
  • Uninstalling the software and drivers and reinstalling the software and drivers. 
  • Rebooting the computer.
  • Gently...... tapping the computer....
  • Connecting with the BEC powering the board.
  • Connecting with the USB powering the board.
  • Pressing the reset button and then uploading the firmware again.
  • I have tried running through the mission planner wizard, it seems to install the firmware okay but after that it fails to connect again.
  • I have also tried uploading different firmware, eg rover instead of copter.

Is there anything else i can try?

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  • To all those people having problems connecting to windows 7, this worked for me. Download an old version of Mission planner , i downloaded version 1.2.55, install and then re boot and go back to latest version and it works. No more problems each device loads and the com port will appear and connects. Hope this helps you all. I had pulled all my hair out trying.

  • I'm pretty sure I sourced my replacements from Digikey but there are still a few places out there that carry them. Just make sure to get the right one as there are 2 that are almost identical with one being a 3.3v high and the other being a 3.3v low and I am pretty sure it was the 3.3v low [it's been a couple years now since I last did it so my memory is fading] 

    Don't forget to come back and let us know how it went :)

  • Thanks for your help! 

    Craig said:

    It's fairly easy to replace. Google "APM replace 3.3v regulator" and you will find dozens of links showing you how. I have had to replace a few myself and once done the board comes back to life :)

    Thomas Morgan said:

    Hole in one! 3.3 regulator is defiantly not giving out 3.3 volts! What is the best way to fix this?

    Cheers, Tom

    Craig said:

    You need to check your 3.3v regulator


  • It's fairly easy to replace. Google "APM replace 3.3v regulator" and you will find dozens of links showing you how. I have had to replace a few myself and once done the board comes back to life :)

    Thomas Morgan said:

    Hole in one! 3.3 regulator is defiantly not giving out 3.3 volts! What is the best way to fix this?

    Cheers, Tom

    Craig said:

    You need to check your 3.3v regulator


  • Hole in one! 3.3 regulator is defiantly not giving out 3.3 volts! What is the best way to fix this?

    Cheers, Tom

    Craig said:

    You need to check your 3.3v regulator


  • You need to check your 3.3v regulator


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