Personally I'd just use a set of 3DR Radios. the air unit would connect to the RX/TX/VCC/Gnd on the arduino and the ground unit would be just a standard USB connect. For anything other than windows you would probably need an OTG cable…"
"Ken Wilkins said:
Thanks for the specifics. I'm using for wiring diagram. They don't have the radio link, though, so how should I wire it, and what do I need on the ground for it?
Personally I'd just use a set of 3DR Radios. the air…"
"you could easily do this with an arduino [nano/micro/whatever] + SD reader + MPL3115A2. If you wanted to also beam down the data in realtime you could also use a set of radios. Total cost [if buying from ebay] would be about 10 bucks. [20ish if you…"
"open MP then press Control F then click on Param Gen on the left.
Close everything and then re-open and you should be fine.
Also when opening MP "before" connecting go to config/tuning and make sure the drop down that says "Layout" is set to advance."
"3.2.1 is the last version that is supported on APM hardware. Anything higher needs Pixhawks 1/2+ the only way you're going to get what you need is to add the code you need yourself I'm afraid."
"rebind your RX so that it does S.Bus and PWM and then you can just assign a switch to channel 9 on your TX and then connect the signal from your gear directly to your RX's 1st PWM pin and a ground, Do NOT power them off the RX or APM make sure THAT…"
"There are 3 flight modes you could look at.
Stab is just pretty much auto level that uses the mag/baro
Alt-Hold which is basically stab + holding altitude using the baro
Loiter uses the GPS to calculate position and tries to keep it there.
"open MP and without connecting go to config/tuning and check the layout/advanced from the dropdown and see if it now lets you get to the advanced areas such as full param list and tree view"
"do NOT forget to use a cord to tie the 2 tubes together. I had a bud forget when he made his and it took off with the center pole still attached to the copter and made it impossible for him to land. It was like a pogo stick. Felt bad for him as he…"
"I built a stand a few years ago to "air test" units without actually having them in the air :)
just some PVC tubing and wood. Costs about 5 bucks to make and pays for itself on the 1st use since no chances of breaking even a prop :) Plus it's a lot…"