Cannot download APMCopter V3.4.5 via Mission Planner

Whenever I try to download APMCopter V3.4.5 by clicking on the hexacopter image on Mission Planner's "Install Firmware" screen, what I get is APMCopter V3.2.1.  I have need of being able to use two parameters [MOT_PWM_MIN and MOT_PWM_MAX) that exist in APMCopter 3.4 (and later) but do not exist in APM Copter V3.2.1.

 I need some help in finding out how to get V 3.4.5 (if it is available)  OR how to make the changes in the throttle min and max PWM values that I need to (min 1000 and max 2000) that I would be able to make if I could download version 3.4.5. 

 I am trying to calibrate my ESC's but I get no audible response from them confirming that calibration has been achieved when I use the all-at-once method as described in the online ArduCopter wiki.  (I do get all the other audible responses from the ESCs when I connect the battery (while the throttle is in it's full-power position, etc.)


My setup:

Frame :     Flamewheel 550 Hex                                          FC : APM 2.8                      Firmware :  A.C. 3.2.1 

Motors :    Turnigy Prop-drive-28 1200 KvA Brushless               Props : 9" Nylon             GPS :        3DR  

ESC :        Turnigy Plush 30A                                          TX / RX : Turnigy 9x / Turnigy 9XBC V2 

Compass : Ublox Neo 6-NM on a 6" pole                  Battery :   Turnigy 5000 mAH 30-40C 4S Li-Po

PDB :       3DR           

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  • No, I haven't tried that.  I'm using a Turnigy 9X transmitter and a Turnigy 9X BC V2 receiver, and the only choice I can see that might pertain to setting limits is one which sets the end points of the various channels.

    Currently all channels are set at "100%/100%".   I've never had occasion to change that factory-set parameter, and, quite frankly, have never really delved into the books enough to find out what it is 100% of.  The format in which the information is presented would make me believe that the first "100%" would be for the low limit, and the other would be for the high limit.  But then I ask myself "Why would the low limit be set to the same value as the high limit?", and I get no answer [I learned a long time ago that it is okay to talk to oneself, but be leery of any answers you get if you ask yourself a question.  After all, you ARE talking to someone who doesn't know the answer, aren't you?)

  • have you tried setting your limits on the radio itself?

  • Thanks for that (discouraging) information.  (Okay, Jerald, enough with the sarcasm!  The guy is only trying to help!)

    That really puts me in a bind. - according to the radio calibration the throttle minimum is 1065 pwm and the max is 1999 pwm.  Arducopter V 3.2.1 default settings show THR_MIN is 5, and THR_MAX is 1000, so the transmitter is putting out waaay higher pwm than the firmware is set for.  

    I just set THR_MIN to 1065 and thrTHR_MAX to 2000 and armed the copter.  I then checked in Mission Planner to see what Ch3 IN and Ch3 OUT looked like when I moved the throttle stick from low to high.  Ch3 IN shows the pwm going from 1065 to 1999, but Ch3 OUT does not move at all.  

    All the wiring connections are good and tight, continuity is good, and the battery is fully charged.

    Any ideas as to what is going on?

    Craig said:

    3.2.1 is the last version that is supported on APM hardware. Anything higher needs Pixhawks 1/2+ the only way you're going to get what you need is to add the code you need yourself I'm afraid.

  • 3.2.1 is the last version that is supported on APM hardware. Anything higher needs Pixhawks 1/2+ the only way you're going to get what you need is to add the code you need yourself I'm afraid.

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