APM1-2560 (3.0.1) and 3DR 915Mhz problem

Hi, I can not understand. APM1 (2560) . Flashed the latest version 3.0.1.
Telemetry 3DR 915MHz (firmware 1.6) ( configured as expected )
The question is, telemetry operate normally works displayed horizont , etc., but only to take off as soon as the engines running in Stabilaze begin slow indication.
When you switch modes, only appears in the Acro - planer indicators are in place .
When any other mode AltHold, Loiter, telemetry off ( power indicator crossed % in the planer ) . Several times I saw displayed AltHold . Impression that the processor does not have time to send the data in telemetry or simply disable it . Green LED on the modules ,there is a link.

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  • Update 3DR to 1.7 firmware, nothing change.

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