Hi all,
My set up worked fine through all the setup process but now simply keeps rotating thru the abc LEDS without Mavlink. It seems to be 'stuck' near the end of code. The GPS gets a lock after about 2 mins. I can load and reload APM code via MP but later when going into APM Setup to check things, Mavlink times out and gives the no packet received error. CLI in MP gives short 3 line welcome message then does not respond to any other commands nor the three CR's.
My APM was bought some time ago (a year?) and I have used it many times with arduplane 1.x but now I have moved over to 3dr quad and added only the compass (soldered in). This is the stage that all setup stages worked and I thought I was ready to fly I had abc leds solid on for one power up. Have checked everything I can think of three times. I have tx on and rx sees it - even during this problem.
I suspect a hardware problem in the comms section OR the compass is now not working.
Can anybody give me some clues or suggest something to diagnose? Can I see debug statements from the code as it loads? so I can determine what code it has got to?
Much thanks! Brett
@Chris - when did Arducopter stop supporting the APM 1280 ?
I thought we (1280 users) had lost the local flash logging facility - as of 2.0.55 - but the rest of the functionality was OK. In fact I have AC2 v2.2b4 loaded and working OK on my 1280 as far as ground testing shows.
GPS plugged into the wrong port? If not, try unsoldering the magnetometer--you may have created a short.