APM2.5 with HV servos ?


looking for info on how to connect HV servos to APM i couldnt find anything.

So, here (in attached jpg) I present my best guess of what i should be doing...

Does this look correct ?

any comments ?





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  • Developer

    Watch out for GND loops.  Don't connect the the GND from the servos to the output rail, just connect the signal wire to the servos. the power from you battery and GND goes to the servos directly.

    Not sure what is going on with the 5V line, you only need to connect that to the board in one place. If you are powering with your own bec you can connect that the the Outputs rail with JP 1 in place so you have the protection circuit before the power gets to the APM. Or you can connect to input rail (JP1 removed). You can use the power module with JP1 removed as well.

    Why is 8V going to the RX? That should be powered from the APM as normal.

    Here's a modified version of your diagram to help


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