APM2 ArduCopter Continuous Streaming of Telemetry without GCS


Hope someone in the community can help me with this seemingly simple problem.  I have been trying to modify the Telemetry settings (SR0_ and SR3_) under Configuration Tab, Advanced Params, to allow for continuous streaming of Telemetry whether connected to a GCS or not.  I have tried the settings that were suggested in a related post on this topic (Telemetry MAVLink Messages) without success (noting, however, that this post referred to ArduPlane).

As in the prior post, I am able to see the heartbeat message but not much else.  It seems there should be an option to enable continuous streaming of Telemetry (and maybe there is and I have missed it).  Can someone point me in the right direction?

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  • Okay, closing as I resolved this myself.  Quite a bit of flexibility built into the platform; you just have to know where to look.

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