APM2 + MP: 'COM 3' does not exist

  I'm just getting started with my new APM 2.0 and I've been stalled all night on without any luck in my searches through the forums and FAQ's..  I would appreciate any suggestions that will help me program this device.. Not sure if I'm missing something simple or this is actually a problem..

  In Mission Planner 1.2.2 mav 1.0, when I try to connect to or upload firmware to the APM2, I continually receive the error:
  Can not establish a connection. The port 'COM 3' does not exist.

Attempted Resolutions:
- Restarted machines, applications, etc..
- Reassign APM to COM 1 in device manager - -- UNSUCCESSFUL - Not possible to reassign com ports for this device
- MP is seeing the device on the correct port and instantly displays any changes in COM 1 or 2 - tried reassigning them higher numbers to see if the APM would slot in to COM1 -- UNSUCCESSFUL)
-Tried different USB cable -- UNSUCCESSFUL
- MP was installed, as were the drivers however device manager shows Arduino Mega 2560 (COM3) but properties indicate that drivers are not installed. Attempted to install driver downloaded from the google code repository. (screenshot below)  -- UNSUCCESSFUL

Running Environment:
 MP is running on a Windows XP SP3 virtual machine on a Mac running OSX 10.7.5
 Recreated problem on windows XP Pro on a PC machine to ensure the virtual machine wasn't causing this problem.  

Errors:  (FYI: What appears to be a second MP window open behind the main is only a screen shot, not a second instance of the application, if this makes a difference!)

Device appears on correct com port (Verified in device manager). MP is seeing the device.
Error message when attempting to click the ArduCopter link (to upload the firmware)
Similar error when attempting to connect to the APM
Driver not installed:

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