APM2 pids dji 550 frame


I'm flying a APM2 on a DJI 550 frame, but a can't get it as stable as the naza controller.

Does somebody have the pids for the dji 550 frame?


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  • Hi, i have a Flamewheel 550 Frame,
    these motors HT3536 V2 Motor
    470 Watt
    910 rpm / V
    40 A
    2 Lipo: 3s 5000

    my pids are below, still not quite happy with wind loitering but stabilising well otherwise


  • I too have integrated the APM 2.5 to the DJI Flamewheel 550 airframe and found that it does not hold position as well as the WKM. Does anyone have the PIDs for this frame?



  • i'm running the latest version 2.7.1, i have the stock frame, with stock motors (920Kv), with 10" props ..

  • Developer

    What gains are you running now? what kv motors? what size props? have you flown the naza controller on this quad? need more details.

  • 3D Robotics

    What version code are you running?

    It's a smallish frame. Do you know what KV motors you've got and the prop size?

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