
ArduCopter 2.7.1 Released

ArduCopter 2.7.1 will become available on Mission Planner and in the downloads area shortly. This release contains a few important bug fixes as well as the first implementation of the MPU6000 sensor-fusion code. 

Detailed changes are in the commit log. Here's a summary:


- Preliminary support for MPU6000 on board sensor-fusion (DMP)

- AP_Limits: Experimental "bounce" mode, for smaller spaces (LIM_RECMODE)


- Bug fix for yaw error buildup on takeoff

- Fix in Auto mode for failsafe handling

- Fixes to 3-axis camera gimbal code

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  • Maybe I have missed something. But I have had 2.7.1 uploaded to my quad since it was released, and it works flawless for me in Stab,loiter, alt hold and auto. I very pleased with it. Well done !

  • Moderator

    Marco, do you have an explanation for the strange behaviour in the logs I posted earlier?

  • OK, I am not taking anything away from the developers, as they are doing a great job, and it is always appreciated that we would have nothing if it wasn't for them. (head bowed.. on one knee .. assume forward prostrate position towards alter :)

    No, seriously, the time and effort they have put in is stupendous, and I am sure everyone appreciates this fact, even if they don't state it in every post they make.

    In 2.6 you could see the tuning effects quite clearly, adjust P up to the wobbles, back off, add some I to tune response rate, and some D maybe. The WIKI on PID tuning is very informative.

    With 2.7 there are all manner of odd occurrences, including the falling out of the sky bit, where you are left standing there wondering, 'I wonder what caused that', wobbly loiter yet solid stabilise, Alt Hold that won't, yet this is the same machine that was almost right in 2.6.

    Now that is not so bad, go over the logs, go over the PIDs, try and deduce what it might be, but when you put forward your observations and findings that it is NOT a hardware-pilot-settings problem, being howled down and ignored because at least 3 people can get good flights on the software is not acceptable.

    We are all trying to help, and all trying to offer our observations to the hard workers and coders to assist them with as much information as possible. To be dismissed off hand is the biggest insult. So how about less dismissal and more kindly enquiry. That is how we will get past 2.7.1 and onto the next version where all this is sorted and working wonderfully, as it will eventually be.

  • Unfortunately I need a system that works, and 2.6 worked, 2.7.1 doesn't.

    So I will have to revert to 2.6 until these anomalies in 2.7 are sorted.

    And it is not just tuning, there are real issues with this release.

    I am building another Hexa with which I will have the time to play with this software release.

  • Moderator

    Ok, something just went a bit pear-shaped. Been having a few strange anomalies with v2.7.1 but could never pin them down. Now I have a log! I was hovering in the garden and suddenly the quad lost some power in at least three motors and wobbled down completely unstable from about 1m high. Between about point 4750 and point 5180 of the log is where it goes weird.

    Can someone explain what happened here?

    2012-08-17 16-25 6.log

  • Hello, how can I revert my Mision Planners Firmware to 2.6? So I can upload and configre it and fly again.


    Kind regards


  • Hi,

    I'm using ArduCopter 2.7.1 with APM1, 3DR frame and telemetry.

    This is my first experience with quad.

    I have used only Stabilized mode until now and the quad unexpectedly loses its altitude (more than 10 meters and constant throttle) until it touches the ground roughly.

    Have you any suggestions?


  • Ok, 2.7.1 flies really great in windless conditions.

    What parameters are important to have stable flight when it is windy?

  • I have asked this before, but got no answer. Can anyone explain how AHRS GPS gain works ? What is it supposed to do ? What behaviour should we expect ? Thanks

  • Hi guys sorry not been posting much lately just been so busy.. anyway I still have mt trusty APM 1 and moved onto the APM 2 but after just bench testing for a month I decided to add this to a frame FM450 but it would not power up at the out rail

    this has now been resolved and I now have my APM2 up and running (thanks to everyone involved) So here are a few pic's



    As you can see I have mounted the a plate to the frame with anti vibration foam and then mounted the protective box on to that plate with anti vibration foam. I have also fixed the new 3DR GPS to the top with the same foam.

    Loaded the new 2.7.1 and with out touching anything it is rock solid :-) a wee bit of fine tuning and it will be there. I hope to do some testing later today and report back and maybe a video if I have time.

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