Arducopter 2.9.1b and MP 1.2.46

I'm using a 3DR APM 2.5 on a tricopter and it has a problem.  I was getting resets and thought it might be not getting the right power, so I charged my lipo that powers the board.  I went out to try it today and it somehow lost calibration on the accels.  I hooked it to MP and let it update itself.  I reloaded the latest tricopter code.  Before I did all that, I looked at the attitude display while connected and it is tilted with the horizon leaning left.  This was why it would flip violently to the right without getting off the ground. 

So, after the MP update, I went into "calibrate accels" and it wont let me calibrate.  It just says "click when done" and it says "Ready to FLY MTK19 OK"  It is Not OK to FLY.


How do I get it to calibrate accels again? 

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  • There's something wrong with the board maybe, and I found a problem with my ESC's.  The one ESC that had the BEC connected lost its BEC. I found that when it wouldnt power up a Rx.  I'm using a seperate BEC to power the APM on the input end.  When the motors cut, that was when it would reset.  I'm not sure what the connection is there, but motors would cut first and then reset.

    As for the bad attitude on level ground, That went away somehow but it still didnt allow recalibration.

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