Arducopter 3.0 beta

I have been trying to find the main location for APM 3.0 beta info and discussions but most of it seems to be in other topics.


Anyway I have installed 3.0 rc6 and have got about 2 hours flying on it now. Most things seem good but I was getting very snatchy behavior at auto waypoints and the copter became unstable (during an auto decent to land) with increasing pitch oscillations so I reverted back to stab. The copter is perfectly stable in loiter, even with aggressive stick.

Reducing WPNAV SPEED UP and SPEED DN seem to help with this but then the copter crawls around the whole route.

Can we have an explanation of the new WPNAV parameters? I thought 3.0 was going to be smoother at waypoints but with the default parameters it was worse.


By the way, if you set the FRAME=3 (reversed motors H) and then do the acc calibration it will reset the frame type.

Will the compass log calibration account for motors or do I have to do the static calibration?





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  • OK have figured some things out. SPEED UP and SPEED DN are vertical nav climb/dec speeds. DOH.

    WPNAV ACCEL was the one causing the problem, its very nice at 100, not the default (250?).

    Im learning that a better test of LOITER rates is to switch into loiter at high speed and check for oscillations. Using the stick in loiter just wasn't showing any issues.

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