
ArduCopter-3.2 beta testing

Warning #1: PX4/Pixhawk users upgrading from AC3.1.5 (or earlier) may need to re-do their compass and accelerometer calibration because AC3.2 also uses the backup compass and accels.  Pre-arm checks have been added to ensure this has been done.

Warning #2: on the APM2.x the logs must be downloaded using MAVlink instead of the terminal.

AC3.2-rc14 is now available for BetaTesters through the mission planner’s Beta Firmwares link.  The full release notes can be found in ReleaseNotes.txt and changes from -rc13 can be seen below.

     Feel free to raise issues found during testing on this discussion or in the new support section in the APM Forum.

     It’s a big release with “the onion” restructure and a bunch of new features (including these 57 closed items) so we need to re-test almost everything including all flight modes, all mission commands and all the new features.  Marco and I will be maintaining (and adding to) this testing list.  Issues reported will first be checked by Jonathan, Marco and I and then confirmed bugs/issues will be put on the github issues list (and then hopefully fixed).

     Thanks especially to the beta testers who put their copters at risk testing each release.  Enjoy!

Changes from 3.2-rc13
1) Safety Features:
     a) fail to arm if second gyro calibration fails (can be disabled with ARMING_CHECK)
2) Bug fixes:
    a) DCM-check to require one continuous second of bad heading before triggering LAND
    b) I2C bug that could lead to Pixhawk freezing up if I2C bus is noisy
    c) reset DCM and EKF gyro bias estimates after gyro calibration (DCM heading could drift after takeoff due to sudden change in gyro values)
    d) use primary GPS for LED status (instead of always using first GPS)

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      • yup. love previous "poshold"   ... straight climbing faster and hold position. because manual throtle control.

  • Fairly new to the PixHawk family here.   I have a Hexacopter that will fly away in any GPS dependent mode. (lat long on the FPV screen were exactly right with 8 to 10 sats)  In Stab or Althold she fly's fine.  In PosHold and Loiter she seemed to want to drift off sharply to the left or right.    I have glanced through the logs, but do not see anything that jumps right out.   The firmware was at RC11 and I upgraded today to RC12 with same results.

    Hoping someone else can take a look?


    • Moderator

      Henry, many such problems are compass error related and as we rely so much on the compass errors this can have a huge affect on navigational modes. There doesn't seem to be much to check or inform us of errors except for the 'Bad Compass Health' message which is quite non specific.

      Double check your compass installation, orientation and direction.

    • Developer

      Tune better your parameters and check the vibrations, RC12 is fabulous as stability and position hold if your setup is well balanced and right tuned.
      I'm sorry to read that many of you have problems, but I assure you that is not dependent on code, I've often shown that it is only a matter of having a good hardware setup and work well with the PID.
      After the "Autotune" you must always tweak the parameters, or the result could be an overcompensation that can adversely affect stability.
      Listen to the audio of my video, I show what happens after Autotune if the rate parameters are too high.

      And here a well tuned hexa, in Position Hold, it's as if it were stationary on the table:

  • Randy I often fly in different locations, inside and outside the city, should I redo compass calibration or something if I leave compass-learning off when I fly in a different environment?

    Also, a bit off-topic but I've been struggling a long time ago to get rid of YAW Oscillations in both my F450 and my TBS Discovery now, according to the wiki the max for stb_yaw_p is 6, rate_yaw_p max is 0.50 and rate_yaw_i is 0.050. What does those limits mean? Any number above that isn't going to make a difference?

    There's a guy here in DIYDrones using 9 for stab yaw p and 0.8 for the rate yaw p and he notices a difference, could it just be him?

    Sorry to repeat my post, I've asked before and maybe you didn't see it

  • Please can someone help me to setup a Spektrum satellite with the AC3.2?

    With AC 3.1.5 it works fine!

    Of course the Spektrum ist pluged in to the "SPKT/DSM" Slot.

    There are any Parameter to set? I cant find them!



    • Has no one an idea about the spektrum satellite?

      Who is using a spektrum on pixhawk with AC3.2?

      • I am using it

        • and how does it works?

          Is there any parameter to set comparing to AC3.1.5? 

          I really tried everything but in AC3.2 there is no signal showing on the RC calibrating screen in the MP.

          • Developer


            Which spectrum receiver are you using?

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