ArduCopter 3DR Questions

hey i am planing on buying the ArduCopter 3DR and i would like to know a couple of things

A. how stable is it

B. do i need to buy anything else

C. what specs should the li-po be

D. if the 880 KV motor was designed for a 12x45 prop. why is there no option for that prop when adding it to the cart?

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  • Prop size depends on the application.  That motor was designed to spin at 880KV.  KV is thousands of rotations per minute per unit voltage supplied to the motor.  What you do with it is up to you.  

    I don't know what an ArduCopter3DR is.  3DR makes several copters that use the ArduCopter software in its autopilot system, which could be the ARPM autopilot or the Pixhawk autopilot.  

    You haven't told us what you intend to buy, so we can't tell you whether anything is missing.  Use the shopping cart at the 3DR website to put ideas together and read what every option offered does.  

    My 3DR Y6 is a stable workhorse.  For stable video, you need a gimbal, like the Tarot 2D gimbal 3DR sells.  I like mine.  

  • From a noobs PoV

    A) It is very stable (remember, I'm a noob so it might be rubbish? ;)  I can hover it in front of me and trim my eyebrows with the props. has to be windless though. I can stab the throttle and it climbs without any oscillation. I can then close the throttle and it falls like a stone. Arrest the fall and there is a slight wobble as it sorts things out but fine.

    B) You need a radio and batteries. A few spare props would not go amiss.

    C) I have 4 2200 11.1V (3S) 25C (35 burst) and I can get about 12 minutes of flight out of them. less if I am being silly.

    d) No idea who you buying form...

  • ok i think i may have posted this in the wrong section

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