Arducopter crash

 While testing the Arducopter pos./alt. hold function (ArdupiratesNG) something goes terribly wrong.
Initially it was a success but suddenly the copter starts to drift and within a few seconds it was beyond a controllable visual range. The flight ends in a pine tree without any damage.
There is a road and lots of water in this area so it was my lucky day.
With this kind of luck the best place to be is in Las Vegas :-) 

Worst part is not knowing what causes the crash, any ideas?
Could be a GPS or IMU failure

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  • There are possiblity of 'brown out'.

    I don't know but in case, the power source of APM is dropped below 5v, cpu may rebooted.

    After rebooted, sensor calibration algorithm may executed.


    Maybe this is bug? Should be corrected in Ardupilot project. So dangerous.

    Ardupilot (for fixed wing) already solved this problem (reset on air)

  • Hello Richard,



    This weekend I rewire my copter like you did.

    Keep you posted!!'


    Regards, Michel

  • I was testing GPS hold on my Arducopter after Christmas and noticed the GPS losing lock and the quad drifting badly. It turned out the low temperature was causing the GPS to reset itself back into NMEA from binary.  A new GPS fixed the problem.
  • what do you mean by "drift"?

    does it slowly fly away? that's normal, it will never stay at one location without gps hold


    if gps was enabled, it lost gps signal (this happens often to mikrokopter GPS, but they crash when signal is lost...)

  • Developer

    Not sure but an IMU failure or CPU Freeze would most likely cause the copter to start rotation and falling quickly.


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