ArduCopter issue? a crazy and dangerous fly to the sky

dear all:


           I've met a crazy and dangerous issue again, my copter flied to the sky and out of control.

           Firmware: RC3.3 ArduCopter

           Copter: octa, Agricultural Copter with 10kg water.


           first time,:when I finished my mission and began to land, I reduced throttle, then copter was out of control and  flied to about 300 meters.

           second time: when I just took off and loiter, I reduced throttle and let alt down, then copter was out of control and flied to about 200 meters.


           I don't know why this happened and hope someone can help, hope others not to meet this issue.

It's a code issue or my hardware issue?  

           Thanks for your help!  

           Eric       my email:



2016-06-27 14-06-14.rar

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  • The first crash was caused by high vibrations that started as soon as you switched to Alt Hold.  Fortunately the battery went dead and it crashed.

    The second fly away I don't know.  The throttle out went to max as soon as you took off.  Vibrations looked normal so it was not that.

    In both cases you should switch to Stabilize to gain control.


    • Thanks.

      I checked IMU data, accel z of IMU2 was unnormal and different with IMU1 and IMU3, so I think it's hardware issue of IMU2.

      In term of sensor redundancy, maybe in EKF data fusion, there's no use of IMU3, If so, it's imperfect, because we can judge this error imu data according to another two normal IMU data theoretically.


  • upload log of the first crash.

    2016-06-19 18-03-48.rar
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