Arducopter NG problems

Hi, I received my APM, APM IMU, UBlox gps and assembled the APM's correctly.

I loaded the Ardupilot mega ver 1.0 software with no problems, hooked it up to Happy Killmore's GCS and can see my position on the google earth map and my altitude and tilt & roll etc.

All seems to be working correctly.

When I try to load the NG2 software I get a ton of compile errors when I comment out the MAG (As I don't have one yet).

If I change to the UBlox gps and leave the mag in, I can compile and upload the software to APM no problems, but I get nothing in the GCS or in a serial terminal window with arduino.


Is there something I'm missing that I need for configuration, or can I not do it without a mag?

Or... maybe a different version of the arducopter code? I am just wondering if there is more code to change for the UBlox gps than in the NG pde file?

I haven't got any control Rx or Tx hooked up either, just the gps and my APM setup working through USB cord. This sin't the arducopter kit, I am building from scratch.


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  • Developer

    On the NG copter, the nearest thing you will get to a GCS is the "Configurator".


    The "Configurator" is a calibration tool and live telemetry tool ( telemetry either via USB or Xbee ).


    There is work underway, (on the next arducopter release, probably )to integrate the ArdupilotMega and ArdoCopterNG codebase/s , so that the GCS's will be compatible and other neat stuff. ( none of which is release ready yet , but you can see work has started on it here:  ).





  • Developer



         When you're disabling the mag you're commenting out this line right?  if you comment it out like below it should compile.

    //#define IsMAG       // Do we have a Magnetometer connected, if have remember to activate it from Configurator


         By the way - i think you should get an rx/tx.  hobby king has a cheap turnigy 9ch that many people use and it's something like $60.  even if you're going to do something unusual like build some code to send instructions using a joystick or iPod you should get an rx/tx so you know how it should work.



  • update:

    ok.. I can get to the CLI window, and see settings with NG, and see settings, as soon as I type test it goes directly into radio control test.

    but still nothing with he gps data. I can change the enable/disable magneto setting.

    still with ardupilot mega, everthing is working, so I must be missng something in the setings for NG.

    with ardupilot mega 1.0 when I open serial monitor I get the startup and a load of mumbojubo, but when I do it in NG I see nothing at all..

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