ArduCopter with self made frame



i have built this quadcopter for my school project. I started this project recently.


Items for the project

- ArduPilot Mega w/ ATMega2560 with ArduPilot Mega IMU Shield

- 4 ×  TURNIGY Plush 6A Speed Controller

- 4 ×  18-11 2000kv Micro Brushless Outrunner (10g)

- 4 ×  GWS EP Propeller (DD-4025 102x64mm)


I refer to by  Jose Julio for the quadcopter design. I know he had use his own code for the quad and able to fly it.


All my motors are turning CCW, and i have tilted 2 motors to counter the torque effect.

As my Mega board is a newer version (ATMega2560), i am unable to load his code.


I uploaded the ArduCopter Quad code and i know i have to change the PID values.

The quadcopter was very unstable will keep spinning on the ground and topples most of the time.


I read this 

and lowered the STABILIZE_ROLL_P and STABILIZE_PITCH_P values. It was better, but still not very stable.


I have a question, does the code work with my frame with 4 motors turning CCW? 


Thank you! :)


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  • Hi all, i solved the problem and got my quadrotor to fly up.

    However it wont lift off vertically. Instead, it went forward.

    I tried changing some PID values.

    Any advices from you guys?


    Thank you very much?


  • Bring up my post. Need some help/ advice.


  • Sorry I was asking if i can use CCW and CW prop??

  • hi


    i am planning to make similar frame. And i have few questions


    1. Can i use Arducopter 2 code???


    2. Can i use counter rotating props available at hobbyking???

    here is the link to props


  • There is one more problem. I set to 'X' configuration to fly the quadcopter and set to fly in Stabilize mode.

    I held the quadcopter in my hands and push the throttle to 3/4 power. ( im using a 2cell battery now, changing to a 3cell soon). When i roll the quadcopter to the right, meaning pushing the 2 left motors up and the the 2 right motors down, it doesnt recover. Instead of the 2 right motors powering up to recover, the left motors power even more.

    Any idea what is happening here?

  • Developer

    The code is intended to be used with counter rotating props, but you could get away with it with just the right tilt angle.

    I would suggest you tie a string to it on each side and get it stable indoors before flying. Try lowering your Rate P value first.



    Tweaking PID is a little out of date. The D term in Stabilize is now called Rate P.

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