From Arducopter wiki:
Make sure the CG (center of gravity) of the copter is dead center. Then run the level command on a flat surface. (hold disarm for ~15 seconds to invoke.) You can also fly in auto-trim mode in a…"
"Hi all, i solved the problem and got my quadrotor to fly up.
However it wont lift off vertically. Instead, it went forward.
I tried changing some PID values.
Any advices from you guys?
"There is one more problem. I set to 'X' configuration to fly the quadcopter and set to fly in Stabilize mode.
I held the quadcopter in my hands and push the throttle to 3/4 power. ( im using a 2cell battery now, changing to a 3cell soon). When i…"
Hi,i have built this quadcopter for my school project. I started this project recently. Items for the project- ArduPilot Mega w/ ATMega2560 with ArduPilot Mega IMU Shield- 4 × TURNIGY Plush 6A Speed Controller- 4 × 18-11 2000kv Micro Brushless…