Hello !I've just finished my Hexacopter with a Atmega 1280 and i've just set up the ArduCopter2 with AMP Mission Planner.After that, i've plugged all my esc and the radio receiver to do the configuration in CLI mode.But when the program says to unplug USB and Lipo, to change to fly mode and to plug the Lipo.And then : NOTHING.....When I plug the lipo, nothing's happening... and if i plug the usb : the APM starts working..Do you have any solution ? Help me please !!!Thanks.

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  • Developer



    What are those ESCs? Do they have proper internal BEC?


    Have your checked that ESC will output 5V from middle pin? You said that you measured 5v from bottom and middle pin on ESC connector but how about when connector is connected to APM R/C Connectors. Do other pins also see this +5v? You should see +5v between every middle and lower pins at APM 3 row pinheader.


    Yes there are + and - holes on side of the PCB but you cannot put 5v to there, it should be higher like 7.2v.


    3S is enough for hexa.

  • No solutions for me ?? no test to do ??

    i've seen 2 solder holes near outputs with + and - .. does they power the APM ? Does 5V works into this ?


    Help me please..

  • Check your power distro and voltage out to APM/IMU, remember the red wire alwais is on center pin +

    From top view connention is S + -



  • Did have the same problem ones...reverse connection from the ESC connector to the APM.




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