ArduIMU v2.0 performs better than v3.0???

I was doing very basic testings on ArduIMU v2.0 and v3.0.

Below are Euler angles I recorded using two IMUs for around 1mins.

3690939815?profile=originalArduIMU v2.0 Data

3690939784?profile=originalArduIMU v3.0 Data

According to the data, it seems v2.0's noise level is 10 times smaller than v3.0?

Anyone encountered similar problems? Is there anything wrong in setting that leads to this problem?


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  • I think v3 has faster sensor readings that is why you have got that so messy graph :)

    I have hard times to set it up as AHI sensor. MPU-6000 sensor gives other values as old (v2) use to output for calculations.

    And 1.9 version (supports v3) doesn't work good..

    Any solutions?


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