arduIMU+ V2 example serial stream

Could someone please reply with a sample serial stream from the IMU+ V2? i am writing code for a custom autopilot and would like to know what to parse. if you could please set it to...
#define OUTPUTMODE 1    
#define PRINT_ANALOGS 0 //Will NOT print the analog raw data
#define PRINT_EULER 1 //Will print the Euler angles Roll, Pitch and Yaw
#define PRINT_GPS 0 //Will NOT print GPS data

thanks in advance!!!

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  •        Hi there. Im kind of trying to use IMU V2 with Ardu Duemilanove for my Quad. They communicate via Serial (Tx, Rx). So how should i set user configurable outputs of Ardu IMU V2 to use with Dueminalove ?  It says select binary output to use with ardupilot at settings. I did that although i dont have ardupilot and have the angles but is this enough for PID purposes ? Any helps will appreciated, thanks...

  • Developer
    The serial stream will depend on which of the #define's you turn on. If you are intending it for an AutoPilot I would recommend the binary messages instead of the "text" serial stream. If you turn on the "binary" messages it suppresses all of the text messages. The binary is not human readable, the text is. The binary is much more efficient. You can "borrow" the parser from ArduPilot 2.6.
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