Arduino or NXT

Probably for Chris since he has a history with both. I own a NXT kit but no additional sensors. I am looking at moving onto the arduino platform I have many rc planes and helis butvwouls need a new one for Uav Should I build my first Uav with my mindstorm?If I did, could I reuse sensors with arduino later?If I went arduino route, could I create a mega with arduino boards and shields?Would get better utilization out of them that way for other projects??I have 72 MHz crustal radios and receivers. Should I make the jump to 2.4?Would my servos and speedcontrollers work?

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  • Developer

    Hi Craig,


    Should I?  Well, what do you want to accomplish?  If you are not looking for much complexity then NXT may be appropriate.  If you want to do more things then probably start with Arduino, or better yet ArduPilotMega.   ArduPilotMega 2.0 has reached a level of sophistication far beyond what you can do with NXT - in fact it has just been recognized as the most sophisticated Arduino program ever written!


    Can you create a mage with arduino boards and shields - uh, ArduPilotMega is a customized Arduino compatible board, and sure you can reinvent the wheel, but you will spend more money doing it (not to mention time)


    As far as radios if you are happy with your 72 MHz equipment there is no reason to change.  All your servos and speed controllers will work fine.



    There is always an opportunity to adapt sensors, but not many do.  As far as radios

    (Hey, looks like my response got cut off)  if you are happy with your 72 MHz gear then there is no reason to change.  All your servos and esc's will work fine.

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