Greetings,I am new to Ardupilot, and am doing some research before I commit. I notice that the Ardupilot uses thermopile sensors for leveling, my concern is that I live in a mountainous region and I wonder how the ardupilot performs in these conditions.Anyone else have experience with the Ardupilot in the mountains. For Google Earth reference I live in Terrace, British Columbia, Canada.
Should I wait for the MEGA version?Any comments would be appreciated.
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I have used the thermopile version in Boulder Colorado. The picture to the west from our flying field would not be unlike the picture you posted above with mountains a few mile distant. I have not had an issue with the thermopiles at our flying field, while I see significant issues walking the UAV around in my back yard where my house is only a few meters away. I think distance to the terrain is a significant factor. If you want to fly in the mountains it is probably a problem. If you want to fly near the mountains, no problem.
I have used the thermopile version in Boulder Colorado. The picture to the west from our flying field would not be unlike the picture you posted above with mountains a few mile distant. I have not had an issue with the thermopiles at our flying field, while I see significant issues walking the UAV around in my back yard where my house is only a few meters away. I think distance to the terrain is a significant factor. If you want to fly in the mountains it is probably a problem. If you want to fly near the mountains, no problem.