Ok this is my ArduMega Setup. I am using the ArduPilot Shield V2, A locosys 4hz GPS, SCP1000 Pressure Sensor (not connected to I2C yet) and the IMU ADXL330/LISY3000 Breakout board.
Here is the picture... Stop laughing geez...
I have the 2.6 version of ArduPilot installed. The battery and Airspeed seem to be reading well...
GPS is coming in SERIAL1. and works real well. Thought I think I can speed up the BPS beyond 38400... But why?
What sucks about the breakout board is I read this from sparkfun incorrectly and I thought thought it was 6DOF.... hehe silly me
Anyways thats my progress so far. If you all have any tips feel free to share them.