Ardupilot 2.5 mega , not working

Hello, My Ardupilot 2.5 mega not working when turn on only green light next to GPS port is steady green and GPS seems ok,i.e got steady red light and flahing green light . When first turn on the yellow/blue light was blinking just a second and went out. I have tried to updated to V3.01 and my hexcopter will not arm, so i pluged and unplug unit from usb quite abit due to unit won't arm and finally it went kaput..Please help me what 's the problem or someone came across this problem..power supply maybe??? By the way when I fly I used 3drobotics power module..  Please let

me know if you came across this problem..Thx guys..

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  • Hi.

    I had a similar issue with my 2.6. Check your CLI and messages and look for "no dataflash"

    If you get that message, it would be your 3.3 volt regulator.

    • Thanks for infos. I have bad 3.3 vt.regulator ,i,e5.5v and I've changed 3.3 vt reg. IC chip and now it 's fine. i,e 3.3Volts but still couldn't connect to mission planner with this message" no heartbeat received or something like that and yellow LED flashing very fast and steady green light..I might have bad board . I will buy from Hong kong for $45.00 to try it out.

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