
Ardupilot 2.6.3

Because I can't leave well enough alone, 2.6.3 is on the SVN. The goal right now is to update the architecture,  improve performance, and remove unnecessary options.

I've added missed waypoint detection based on the LOITER N TIMES command on Mega. Basically it watches how many times you go around a WP and if it's more than once, it aborts you to the next waypoint.

Throttle input is required on 2.6.3. Just hook your throttle jumper to pin 11 (or 13 if you have already done this with success)

Auto takeoff is revised. 

Auto landing is in development and is essentially unchanged from 2.6.2 for now.

It's in an alpha state so if you're brave have fun...

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  • Hi Jason
    Today I was trying 2.6.3 1209 FBW A and FBW B
    Both seem to have no limitation on bank angle and climb angle. I stopped at almost 90° bank and 60° climb. Set was 45° bank and 15° climb
    Stabilisation seems ok, throttle response seems ok.


  • Hi Jason,

    I'm getting some errors with home.alt setting. Is this code correct?
    if(GPS_flag == 0){
    // We countdown N number of good GPS fixes
    // so that the altitude is more accurate
    // -------------------------------------
    if (home.alt != 0){
    GPS_flag = -1;
    GPS_flag = 5;

    So we wait for a few good GPS readings then set home = current_loc

    How come we are looking for home.alt not equal to zero? Shouldn't we set the home if home.alt is equal to zero?
  • Hi Jason

    My Plane should be ready by tuesday.
    Do you want me to do some more testing on the experimental version 2.6.2 or to go on with 2.6.3?
    What is to test in particular?

    Best Christof
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