Hi, I am a novice of Ardu Project. I got a MediaTek GPS, a ArduIMU+ with ArduPilot(red). My GPS and IMU work well in miniGPS Test and ArduIMUTest respectively. But I failed to do Test Program 6.
Test 6
But after removing the IMU, it shows:
Besides, how can I connect my FTDI cable to ArduPilot or the shield if I connect my components as instruction:
There is no room for the FTDI cable. What did I set wrong? Pls enlighten me. Million thanks.
After connecting IMU:
Hook the GPS directly to your ardupilot and set it up that way. Your GPS is not configured properly and I am not confidant in the Mediatek implementation on the IMU. (I didn't build it.) The MTK GPS needs to receive commands to put it into Binary from NMEA (Nasty Strings).
Once you get the Mediatek talking binary by connecting it to Ardupilot, you can reconnect the IMU.