Ardupilot after crash

how are you forum ? do you remember i had a crash a few weeks ago?

Last weekend i went to the flying field to test the airplane after the crash, redesigned the tail, and i had to make some testing with the motor washout and control surfaces moves..... everything did very good......... of course no ardupilot....

This week i focused in relocating everything, installed remzibi´s OSD, installed the ESC in the outside of the airframe, found a UBEC, another 3s lipo for the receiver and ardupilot....

So, if i fly tomorrow (maybe my child going to be born tomorrow), it will be with one battery for the motor, one for the video and OSD and a third one for ardupilot and receiver......

But today i noticed something, i connected everything at home an made a comunication test with the xbee....... turned on the ardupilot GCS and saw something strange.... when i moved the fifth channel switch (control channel) only apeared on the GCS the leters, "RTL", not the "MANUAL", "STABILIZE" and "FLY BY WIRE" words as programmed.

Few weeks ago when y uploaded the code, y tested the control switch, everything was ok...... i would really like to know how it changed by irself.....

Now i uploaded the code again, made a few changes, no servo wigglesat startup, no airspeed sensor, no battery sensing.

This changes are made to make things a little bit simpler, but i still don´t know why the ardupilot was in RTL mode when i tested today.

any ideas?

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  • 3D Robotics
    Go through the CLI process again. Reset the EEPROM, and reprogram the various switch positions.
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