Ardupilot and mac

I have been trying to upload the code to my ardupilot board.  I am using both an imu and a shield but everytime i try to upload the code it makes me restart my computer before the code is done uploading.  i have been able to load the code on both the imu and the and my ardustation with no problems, does anyone using a mac know how i could fix this problem?  I have tried all the debugging tips in the manual.

Thanks for the help

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  • Umm… I mac based (intel macpro10.6.x) and just happened to upload code to my apm today.
    There was a bit of mucking around as the arduino IDE is slightly different to the pc version and I had to install the libraries into the arduino app bundle. Once I'd done that it all uploaded surprisingly seamlessly. Not had chance to to do anything else with it yet.
    Its rare that you'd be asked to restart the mac as that's usually a result of installing something on the mac.
  • 3D Robotics
    What version of Arduino are you using?
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