ArduPilot and Magnetometer

Hi guys,Just wondering if anyone has gone about this approach? I need an all weather stabilization device and was looking at off the shelf magnetometers from sparkfun ect. But not sure how well I would go i.e. if filtering the sensor input is required I might have problems. Also what’s this stuff about tilt correction?Anyway I’m new at all of this and just trying to find a cheap alternative.I believe it will be hard as that is why all the commercial IMU manufactures can charge an arm and a leg for integrated boards.

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  • The Honeywell HMC6343 has 3-axis magnetometer plus 3-axis accelerometer, so it does on-board tilt compensation, but it's not cheap. PNI likewise makes some tilt compensated compasses, but they cost more than the Honeywell. As noted, you want to have the compass at least 12" from your motor(s) to avoid significant field distortions.

    On a related project, I'm looking at the combination of a 2-axis magnetometer with 3-axis accelerometer to see if we can adequately average out the acceleration readings over time to extract useful heading data with the compass. If it works, it should be pretty cheap - the HMC6352 2-axis compass costs $15 in medium volume, and the 3-axis accel is under $10.
  • 3D Robotics
    Magnetometers on planes are tricky. You definitely need to tilt correct them (compass reading error is 2x tilt) and keep them far from other magnetic noise like motors and servos. There's probably a good way to use them but we haven't found it yet. They work great on blimps, though!
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